Treating the Early Stages of Dupuytren’s Contracture

Imagine having two of your fingers permanently bent inwards without you able to move or use them. Life would surely become difficult, especially when you can’t do things like put your hand in your pockets, to say the least. And not to mention the attention it would grab!

Complications associated with Dupuytren’s Contraction: Ideally, having a finger or two bent unnaturally is not anyone’s cup of tea. Let’s see the ways in which Duputren’s Contraction may hinder our lives. 


  • Simple Tasks become Difficult to Perform: Certain functions that require the movement of the hand become difficult with Dupuytren’s Contraction. Since it limits the ability for you to fully open your hand or straighten your fingers, simple tasks like putting your hands in your pockets, wearing gloves, holding large objects, or moving your hands into small spaces become increasingly difficult.
  • May cause Disability of the Hand: Dupuytren’s Contraction is not a particularly dangerous disease, but the more time the fingers are left in the position, the thicker the fascia cords become. Severe cases of Dupuytren’s Contraction can lead to disability. Thus, it is suggested that it should not be left untreated. Many methods of treatments are available, with Dupuytren’s Wand and Dupuytren’s Tape playing major roles in the easing of this disease.
  • Can Lead to Further Complications: Though in most cases, only the hands are affected by Dupuytren’s Contraction, in some more severe cases, further complications can also develop. A person suffering from Dupuytren’s Disease may develop Garrod’s pads, which cause the finger joints to enlarge and thicken, Ledderhose Disease, which causes the foot tissues to thicken and shorten creating difficulty in walking, or Peyronie’s Disease.

To ensure that the disease does not progress, treatment is recommended at the earliest notice as letting it develop further can cause a lot of problems.

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