How To Treat Dupuytren’s Contracture without Any Surgery?

Dupuytren’s Contracture is a condition that causes the fingers in the hand to bend unnaturally towards the palm. It starts as small nodules that gradually increase in size until the fingers can no longer straighten out. In most cases, the disease is painless, but it can cause itching and aches. The condition is known to affect daily activities like cooking, driving, and writing because of the fingers’ bending. The ring finger, followed by the middle finger, is the most likely to be affected.

There are no specific causes of Dupuytren’s Contracture, but it is said to be brought on by a chemical imbalance. The imbalance is often caused by alcohol, smoking, or drugs. What is known is that Dupuytren’s disease is hereditary and is most often found in men 50 years or older.

Treatments that are prescribed by a doctor can include physiotherapy or even a steroid injection. There is also the option of needle aponeurotomy, where a form of acupuncture releases the contracture.

The most common treatment is surgery, where an incision is made in the hand at the nodule’s sight. The fascia is then cut out, and the wound is then stitched back up. The surgery leaves an unsightly scar and is known to have some serious risks. Including but not limited to scar tissue infections and hyperextension deformity. Surgery also does not prevent the condition from returning in the future.

There are some options for home treatment for Dupuytren’s disease. The Dupuytren’s wand, jelly, and tape, when used regularly together, are known to repair the issues and allow a return of motion in the hand and fingers. They are also a less expensive alternative to the steroid shots or surgery. These items can be found on the Shop page of the website. 

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