How Does Dupuytren’s Contracture Affect Your Hand?

If you’ve heard of Dupuytren’s Contracture disease, then you probably understand the basic effects of the condition, but have you ever wondered why these symptoms are experienced? 


In general, most people who suffer from the disease report that their fingers furthest away from the thumb, the ring and pinky finger, are affected. The connective tissue in the palm of your hand forms knots and thickens underneath the skin. This restricts mobility and eventually, a cord is formed, causing the bending of the pinky and ring finger. 


The bending effect makes the fingers appear to be forcefully curved towards the palm. Dupuytren’s contracture disease is therefore considered a nuisance as it permanently causes the bending of the ring and pinky finger. This may restrict you from your usual work.

The whole hand

Once your fingers have been affected, your whole hand is not spared. For example, once the pinky is affected, you lose the grip you once had. The disease may restrict you from performing your day to day activities, and it causes problems in completing even the simplest of tasks, such as writing or holding an object. 


Furthermore, it is critical to note that this condition is permanent and can only be treated to reduce some of the symptoms.

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