Dupuytren’s Wand – Home Treatment for Dupuytren’s Contracture

Dupuytren’s contracture is an abnormal thickening and tightening of the elastic tissue that resides underneath the skin of the hand. It is a progressive hand deformity that develops over time, with more frequency seen in males over the age of 50. 


Dupuytren’s contracture, unfortunately, renders the hand in a permanently flexed position with difficulty in straightening the fingers. Starting as small nodular swellings, these scar tissues eventually coalesce together to usually involve more than one finger. This presentation is more commonly seen in the ring finger followed by the little and the middle finger. 


Dupuytren’s contracture is sometimes also called the Viking disease and has an unknown etiology. However, dynamics such as family history, chronic alcoholism, smoking, thyroid diseases, hand trauma, and diabetes mellitus, etc. are few proposed risk factors that are known to contribute to the pathophysiology of this deformity.


This condition not only gives rise to cosmetic concerns, discomfort, and pain but, also makes simple tasks a challenge to be conducted by the affected hand. 


Fortunately, today with the advancement of medical science, simple management protocols exits that efficiently tackle this problem. One such practical solution is the Dupuytren’s kit, which provides immediate results at home, without requiring any professional assistance.


The Dupuytren’s kit includes the Dupuytren’s wand, the Dupuytren’s tape, and a proprietary jelly that is to be applied over the desired healing site prior to the therapy session.


This Duputyren’s wand provides effective results with its ultrasound frequencies and far-infrared heat waves that gradually break down the scar tissue forming the nodules underneath the skin of the hand.  Beneficial outcomes are observed within the first few sessions of the treatment and significant relief from contracture occurs with continuous use.  


The ultrasound therapy session is recommended to be followed by a secure yet flexible splinting with the proprietary Dupuytren’s tape that is provided with the kit. The tape is to be applied from the pad of the affected finger, going over the tip to the backside of the hand. This provides extra comfort by securely holding the fingers in an extending position for extended periods. Thereby, increasing the range of motion and flexibility in hand movements. The tape is specially designed to be worn throughout the day with its waterproof, fully adherent, synthetic microfiber material that has a strong grip over the skin.


In all, the Dupuytren wand is an economical, pain-free and non-invasive home treatment for Dupuytren’s contracture.

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