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What is Dupuytren’s Contracture, and Why Does It Occur?

We have all seen somebody who is not able to straighten their hand completely, or perhaps they have had trouble doing things like putting their hands in their pockets, and it is likely we have brushed it off. It is possible that this particular person was suffering from Dupuytren’s Contraction. But what is it really?


What is Dupuytren’s Contraction? 

Dupuytren’s Contraction is a disease or a condition that causes the fingers to be pulled inwards towards the palm and become a hand deformity. This condition mainly affects the fascia, which is the fibrous layer of tissue in the palm and the fingers that lie just underneath the skin. The fascia tightens and thickens over time, resulting in the fingers to be bent inwards.  

The fingers cannot be straightened completely, and some activities become hard to perform. It is most commonly seen in the two fingers farthest from the thumb. 

A number of treatments are available to ease the contraction, with Dupuytren’s Wand and Dupuytren’s Tape as standout products known to have effectively helped the contraction.


Why does Dupuytren’s Contracture Occur?

There is no concrete evidence stating the exact cause of Dupuytren’s Contracture, but several factors may play a role in causing it:


  • Genetics: The most commonly known role played in the disease is by genetics, as it runs in families and can be inherited. Ancestry also plays a part as people of Northern European descent are more at risk.
  • Smoking and Alcoholism: People who smoke or drink a lot are more likely to contract this disease as both these activities can result in microscopic changes within the blood vessel, causing them to thicken the tissues.
  • Diabetes: It is also a common occurrence in people with diabetes, though an ever-diabetic person does not contract it.

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