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What Causes Fingers To Bend Towards the Palm?

dupuytren's contracture

So your fingers are bending towards your palm, and you’re wondering what is going on. It is not painful, but you do have a hard lump on your hand that seems to pull your finger down. The chances are this is most likely Dupuytren’s Contracture, also known as Vikings disease. It is said that the Vikings were the reason the condition spread throughout Europe. 

What is Dupuytren’s Contracture, and what causes it?

Dupuytren’s Contracture is a condition that affects the hands and fingers. The fingers bend towards the center of the hand because of a collagen buildup. There is no way for the body to break down the collagen, which becomes a hard lump or nodules that pull the fingers down. Although there is no proven cause of Dupuytren’s disease, we know that it is genetic and passed down from generation to generation. There is also a link to individual lifestyle choices that seem to trigger the condition. Some of these actions include heavy drinking, smoking, and extreme hard labor. The disease is also prevalent in people who have diabetes. 

Who can get Dupuytren’s disease?

No one is immune to Dupuytren’s disease; it is known to affect just about anyone. It is, however, it is more likely to affect people of Northern European descent. The condition is more common in men than in women and is most likely to affect people over 50. You are also more likely to see Dupuytren’s disease in Caucasians.

How do you cure Dupuytren’s Contracture?

There are several Dupuytren’s Contracture home remedies; the best of these is a combination of Dupuytren’s jelly, Dupuytren’s wand, and Dupuytren’s tape. When used together, these three products are known to improve the symptoms and allow a return to normalcy of movement. They can be found on the shop page of the website not only are they easy to use, but they are also extremely affordable.

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