What Causes Dupuytren’s Contracture? Can Dupuytren’s Be Inherited?

Males aged 50 and above are more prone to be affected by the Dupuytren’s contracture. But, as far as the exact reason behind Dupuytren’s contracture is concerned, there is still some research that needs to be done. Dupuytren’s syndrome typically affects the ring and little finger, although any finger can fall victim. Additionally, Dupuytren’s typically interferes in one’s day to day activities. Although, it’s not certain what triggers Dupuytren’s, this particular disease is believed to have some link with the biochemistry of the connective tissue that binds the palm.

However, it has been found out that Dupuytren’s syndrome is more likely to affect people with a history of diabetes, epileptic seizures and alcoholism. Dupuytren’s contracture can also be inherited in families where there has been a history of the disease. In most cases, it is males who more likely to inherit the disorder caused by Dupuytren’s.

Also known as the Viking’s disease, Dupuytren’s contracture is quite commonly found in people with a Northern European and Scandinavian background. This means that if you are English, Scottish, Irish, Dutch, French, Finnish, Swedish or Norwegian; you have increased chances of developing the Dupuytren’s syndrome.

Dupuytren’s contracture is not only more common in men in comparison to women, but is also more likely to occur with the advancing of age. As there is still no cure to fight the Dupuytren’s disease other than surgery, it is recommended to find an alternative solution like a Dupuytren’s Tape to get relief from the discomfort caused by this chronic condition.

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