How Can Ultrasound Help in Increasing the Flexibility of the Fingers?

You might wake up one day unable to hold your phone, unable to type with ease on your keypad, or even hold a spoon to make your breakfast. It’s a devastating scenario but can happen due to hand conditions that reduce flexibility in the fingers.

Rheumatological disorders

About 1 in 5 people develop a musculoskeletal disorder, yet most of us are unaware of the pain, inflammation, stiffness, and swelling associated with such disorders.

Mostly athletes and labor workers suffer from tendon problems in the hand because their flexor tendons are utilized a lot as part of their occupation. During flexion of the fingers, they may develop ulnar and radial displacement or palmar bowstringing.

What is ultrasound, and how can it help our fingers?

Ultrasound is used to create pictures of structures inside the body. Your doctor uses a transducer to send a stream of high-frequency sound waves in an area. This formulates an image, but also generates beneficial energy within your body.

Benefits of ultrasound therapy 
  • Improves wrist and finger flexibility 
  • Reduces swelling and inflammation instantly 
  • Decreases stiffness
  • Increases circulation 
  • Encourages healing 

Thanks to sonographic and ultrasound technology, you can continue with your sport or occupation without having to worry about muscular or skeletal injuries, as ultrasounds can provide an effective treatment.

Also, If you are suffering from Dupuytren’s disease, ultrasound can help you in increasing the range of motion and flexibility in hand movements, Duputyren’s wand is such device that provides effective results with its ultrasound frequencies and far-infrared heat waves that gradually break down the scar tissue forming the nodules underneath the skin of the hand. 

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